Thursday, November 13, 2003

My First Jaunt into the country-side (ie. the country beside France, LUXEMBOURG)

So Ruey and I had a few days to kill while waiting for classes to start and since I had been in Strasbourg nearly a week before Ruey showed up, it was time to travel. The plan was to go to Paris, see Emily and have fun. But the plan never stays the plan for long. I started reading the lonely planet guidebook to Europe (which Ruey, God bless him, brought over for me) and there's this little country Luxembourg. Ten minutes later when Ruey came back, I had a plan. Sold it to Ruey and we were going to Luxembourg.

After a late train causing us to miss our connection which in turn caused the train station to have to pay for a taxi to take us the rest of the way to Luxembourg, we were there!

Luxembourg is beautiful. The bus taking us to our hostel wound (unbelieveably so) around tight turns on windy roads past the downtown into the castle area of town. Crazy beauty with old castles and green hillls, winding roads that lead down to tiny villages with incredible churches and of course signs for the Limp Bizkit concert.

Also in Lux, the FAIR WAS IN TOWN!!! How cool was that!!! I hadn't been to
the fair in YEARS! Ruey and I (though mostly him) even won the big white
tigger stuffed animal, so I got to be the girl that walks around the fair
with the prize no one ever wins! YES! Childhood dream come true!
Silly, but
know it'll make you smile. EVERYone else at the fair was so jealous! ;)

GET THIS! I found a 2nd hand store in luxembourg and they had Armani suits
there!!! There was this one, man, armani chic tux, satin pants, cool sort of
quilted jacket for 189 euros. it was cool. however, I did get a very cool
jacket there with fur lining and suede outside for 30 and it looks new. it's
perfect since i brought my trench coat and a very thin one with no sort of
middle ground. but now i have to try not to eat for like three days! ;)

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