Thursday, November 13, 2003

Initial Impressions of ISU

As far as academics are concerned, it seems like we've just began, yet at
the same time feels like we've done so much. Today saw the completion of our
first team assignment cumulating in a 10 page written report about the space
policies and laws of South Africa followed by semi-formal presentations. As
one of the primary presenters for my team, let me tell ya that I'm glad
today is over! But seriously, it wasn't that bad and was interesting to
learn about the material. Interculturally, the team project was, well,
interesting. Differing defintions of personal space, gestures (Indians shake
their heads left to right to mean yes) and the logistics of formulating a
report made for a learning experience to say the least!

I dig my classes! Everything is about space - go figure, but still it's
cool. Although, sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed to try and grasp orbital
mechanics, astronomy, and biomedical factors in space all before the lunch
break! I feel like I know nothing!! Yet, that's why I'm here, to learn.

The focus on relationships here is unreal to me. I've never been in an
academic institution where your relationship with your peers, other alumni,
faculty, and guest was so highly emphasized and facilitated. It's amazing
really. After we defended our presentation today, one of the profs talked
with 2 of us for like 20 min about a detail we hadn't been sure of, our
possible internships and life goals. All this after he made a note to shake
our hands and congratulate us on our presentation. It's almost like a
parenting relationship -- i.e. sometimes they have to be a bit hard on you,
but they're checking back to make sure you know they care and have your
back. It's really quite impressive. Also, the students are a pretty tight
group and I've already had several real conversations about life or beliefs
-- other topics than academics which can sometimes be rare in the more
technical fields.

The Bible talks about Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs
It's so true in all of life, if we've got no vision, no plan, no goal, no
inspiration, then what's the point??
That's another aspect of my program that I love. They inspire us. Through
pictures, quotes, personal interactions, planting ideas, inspiring us to
creatively solve the problems with innovative solutions, showing us amazing
pictures of the universe, basically lighting a fire under us so we get it
together and can go out and make it happen. But my point is that they appeal
to the heart of the issue beyond the academics, reminding us of why we want
to explore the universe, beckoning us to come and play among the stars. On
this same level, I long to be daily inspired in my life and faith and be
such a source for others as well...

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