Sunday, May 21, 2006

Simple Pleasures

So, I've been feeling rather uninspired and unimpressed lately. However, yesterday was just what I needed - day to just chill out. Did a little cleaning, a little sleeping and a little shopping. As I was coming out of the last store it was about 7:30 pm. The Target is located at the top of a sloping parking lot facing west, about 10 blocks from the beach. Anyhow, this was the moment, I stepped outside and BAM! it was simply a gorgeous skyscape with the clouds beautifully scattered amidst hues of soft gold, faded blue, a hint of pink and a few token Cali palm trees hanging out in the foreground. It was just one of those, "Man! You've created a beautiful universe, God!" So I rode my shopping cart down the slope in the perfect temperature as the air lapped at my face and just took it all in. On some days, anyway, it's actually pretty good to live here.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


So, I saw my first live NBA game last night. Game 3 of the Western Conference Semi-Finals, not a bad way to start and it was a great game to boot! Neck and neck the whole game and then right at then end, when it counted the Suns burned the Clips! So, it seems to me that this whole concept of professional sports and the amazing potential for smack talking that exists within that realm is gold mine for a kid like me! WOW! I had so much fun! Of course I was wearing a Suns jersey in the midst of a Clipper Nation.

All my friends, save the every loyal Vanessa, were sporting the free Clips shirts handed out at the door. Anyhow, we had so much fun smack talking, watching the game and just hangin' out. I really love my friends and I think I'm gonna start going to more games, if nothing else than to polish my trash talking skills!

Friday, May 12, 2006

All that glitters...

lately, everything has been cloaked in the same dreary haze that has settled upon our fair city of angels. Everywhere I look people are trying to shine, to pop, to sizzle, to somehow stand out as the next best thing... But really it's just a lot of happy noise from sad people, new clothes on old sorrows, and good commercials for bad products. Where are the genuine? The real? The precious? Everyone tries so hard to be a mover and a shaker...Someone needs to learn to simply be... It's rather uninspired, this particular post, but there is simply so much glitter, so much flash, so much whatever, fill in the blank...Where is the true gold? I'm tired of the tinfoil that shimmers just long enough to steal my attention away from my treasure map and grabs my attention only to reveal its genuine disappointment. It's Friday,

all substitutes, no substance
reflective surfaces
lacking sources
foil feigning fire
love, cheapened to desire
trading souls for status
as you climb that social ladder
just another buzz, just another high
might grant that peace you've been denied
but probly not
and for what
have you to show
for that which you let go
questions, I have plenty
answers have I few
offered observations
with no streamlined destination
in such philosophies on life

Thursday, May 11, 2006

gone zero

what really needs to be said here? I have the coolest weekend job EVER! This weekend, like total rockstars we went on tour with Zero G....3 cities...Burbank...Vegas...San Jose...6 flights...0 personal zeroG time pretty much doubled and I had a blast. Words and creativity both fail me at the moment due to total exhaustion, but I defer my 1,000 words to the picture above and bid you goodnight...