Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Come Thou Font of Every Blessing

That title sounds like a mouthful, huh? Yup. It's true. It's an old hymn whose lyrics and even title are a bit outside the normal modern conversational style for the way we like to put words together now-a-days...But we sang this song tonight and one line just wouldn't let me go...

"Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee."

I don't want to love Jesus b/c it's the "right thing to do" or b/c "I'm supposed to" or b/c of some sort of a begrudging obligation. That's just dumb and, btw, not a whole lot of fun. No, I want to somehow get to point where I actually love Him, where the beautiful demonstration of His goodness overwhelms all the other flashly lights that vie for my attention and so often succeed in appearing to be the next best thing that I run chasing after. I want to love Him b/c He outshines all the other options, not as a sacrifice, not bitterly muttering under my breath about all I'm missing out on, but happily skipping along, simply overjoyed at the beauty of my Jesus...overwhelmed by His goodness that overpowers my desire to wander, wonder, and wriggle much so that I simply want to be nowhere else...

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