Sunday, May 21, 2006

Simple Pleasures

So, I've been feeling rather uninspired and unimpressed lately. However, yesterday was just what I needed - day to just chill out. Did a little cleaning, a little sleeping and a little shopping. As I was coming out of the last store it was about 7:30 pm. The Target is located at the top of a sloping parking lot facing west, about 10 blocks from the beach. Anyhow, this was the moment, I stepped outside and BAM! it was simply a gorgeous skyscape with the clouds beautifully scattered amidst hues of soft gold, faded blue, a hint of pink and a few token Cali palm trees hanging out in the foreground. It was just one of those, "Man! You've created a beautiful universe, God!" So I rode my shopping cart down the slope in the perfect temperature as the air lapped at my face and just took it all in. On some days, anyway, it's actually pretty good to live here.

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