Thursday, November 13, 2003

Mount St. Odile

Next up: Well we went hiking a few weeks ago in the Vosage Mountain
Range up here and they're beautiful and breathtaking views of
Strasbourg, Germany and the surrounding areas. I got to climb on
ancient walls and castles and effectively won the Canadian Castle
Challenge to make it to the highest point on this castle. Oh, ya,
that was me baby. Not the highest point of the castle, but higher
than anyone in my class while nervous British professors looked on.
Later at the end of the day, on the way to wine testing event our
school scheduled for us along the Route du Vin(Famous road along
lots of vineyards in the Alsacian region, gorgeous now in the fall)
anyhow, the prof was like,

"Yes, Brooke, if you could not climb in the wine vats, that'd be so
great." Nice, so I come to the most sophisticated snobby country on
the planet and I"m the class monkey at the space school. Oh well,
maybe they'll send me into space! The wine tasting was fun and I
decided that I like the Pinot Blanc the best.

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