Sunday, April 16, 2006


Today I was captivated by the sea. Her frothy majesty calling to me. Beckoning me to steal one more glance, and again, yet again... As I drove up the Mexican coast, I was attracted to gaze upon the ocean as if I were checking out that cute guy to make sure he really was as attractive as I thought on first glance. Madam Ocean did not disappoint, after a few days of rain, today was exquisite and I simply could not get enough of the view. I'm so grateful for such visual feasts. Thanks to several taco stands, a churro vendor and my mom's cooking, my eyes were not the only part of me that was overwhelmed by all there was to take in. Even my heart was satisfied as I, surrounded by my family, simply celebrated the beauty of His resurrection while the waves whispered their dialogue to the shore in the background. Beautiful.

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