Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Sore Losers Redeemed, FLYING Beccas & Pensive Weekend Plans

Well, well, well. I guess we’ve established that some folks are sore losers!!! Like my unnamed Seattle friend who emailed me just to tell me that we’re no longer friends. Jeesh! Can you believe the nerve of this guy? I even sent him French chocolate for Christmas but all he can say is we are no longer friends…AH, but in reality, he called last night so getting to talk with an old friend made me forgive the rash statements spoken in what must have been a mire of despair at how poorly his team performed last Sunday. So, we’ll move on….

Let’s see, well, school is definitely back in full swing and with it all the responsibilities of such. Like the crazy random remote sensing assignment that we are expected to spend “several hours” outside of class working on. For my part, I get to research the laws of transponders on boats, etc…as well as the fishing industry in Argentina. Don’t ask. Well, I guess you could, then I’d have to tell you that our group was assigned the task of using remote sensing to detect oceanic pollution and illegal fishing activities. Crazy, but at least with transponders, I can pretend they go on airplanes…

Speaking of Flying, I gotta give props to Cari’s friend Becca for sending a FLYING mag along my way. I finally devoured it in a hotel in Prague and save for the AOPA magazine that I checked out in Kehl when we went gliding, it’s the only hard copy flight reading I’ve had since I’ve been here. And it should be pointed out that only one article was in English in the German mag. So super props to Cari’s friend Becca for the flight fix. And to answer the semester long question regarding which Becca is which. No, I am so sorry to say, I could not distinguish them in a line up. My girl, Cari, has just got way too many Becca/y/uckles type friends to keep up with!!

Oh, ya, and speaking of Cari…She just returned from her “winter” vacation cruise to South America. She’s sunburned. No, I did not stutter. I haven’t even seen the sun and nearly lost a finger to frostbite while removing my gloves to eat a hot dog in Prague and she comes back sunburnt!

I received word through a fellow student that Boeing internship is looking “bright.” That’s nothing guaranteed, but it sure made my day!

One last note, I’m trying to schedule my traveling agenda, well my whole agenda including traveling, for the upcoming semester and I’m thinking about going to Dachau for the day this weekend.
  • Dachau
  • is an old concentration camp near Munich. I wanted to visit Auschwitz but it’s all the way in Poland! Since I can’t really see myself wanting to do much else but ponder and journal after such an experience, I don’t want to incorporate it into another trip. I think I just want to go by myself on a day trip. We’ll see how it goes.

    So, I wish all of you a good night and great day depending on which side of the flip you are now.

    WAIT! Two more things, the last I promise, 1) I’m working on the Christmas/10 country stories and so, like the slow and steady turtle I will deliver and 2) If anyone has info on how a couple of Americans can manage to watch the Super Bowl over here, I’d be much obliged!

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