Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Interim Posts on the Way it Should Be

So this is sort of a pre-amble to a longer blog to come later today. It seems that I have made a gross error and in keeping with my strict adherence to a standard of high accuracy in blogging, I have laid everything aside to remedy the problem.

MAD BLOG PROPS go to SARAH, fellow aviation enthusiast and the apparant source for the so highly acclaimed FLYING magazine sent to me earlier!!! Also, SUPERIOR BLOG PROPS to her again for her use of the word "DUDE" in her first ever communication with me. Dude, that's like my favorite word. Nice. I'm still grateful to Becca for actually passing it along to me without which action I could not thank either of them! Maybe you two could start some sort of competition to see who could send better stuff and get the best blog props? heh? heh? Just a thought! ;)
Thanks again! Oh, and by the way, I found two Aviation Weekly Mags in the free bin in the library. NICE!

AND KEVIN. YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND, WE ARE NOT SPEAKING EVER AGAIN. I mourn for the Packer's loss this past Sunday...
K, ta ta for now. more soon....

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