Thursday, November 02, 2006

If only...

Not much to say tonight, just a few thoughts, ever so scattered.
Welcome into the window of the chaos of my mind...

if only every act of love was reciprocated with another
if only every charitable thought was lovingly executed
if only every friendship would be sustained throughout the trials
if only every heart would heal faster than breaking
if only life was materialized good intentions instead of unintentional regrets
if only we could drink in the sunshine and just stay sober
if only we could be high on life and leave the drugs in the gutter where they belong
if only we could have families instead of broken homes
if only we could accept responsibility instead of hiring better lawyers
if only the hardest three little words to say were "I hate you" instead of the difficulty that comes with verbalizing "I love you"
if only people meant it when they said "I love you" instead of using it as a mechanism to get what they wanted
if only we think about the poor instead of going broke to keep up with the trends if only we could stop and listen instead of simply shouting over the masses
if only we could drink in the beauty of the holidays without drowning in the commercialism
if only we could have a quiet meal,
an uniterrupted moment,
a beautiful exchange,
a sweet conversation.
or share a sunset more often... if only...

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