Tuesday, June 20, 2006

been a while....

I've sat here for a few minutes and waited to see what would come to me and got a whole lot of nothing. Exhaustion battles the caffeine induced, jittery awareness that shakes my limbs and begs my body to surrender...but I digress...or perhaps not...that is the actual current state of affairs...i've been thinking lately that there has to be so much more to life than work...what do i really want to accomplish with my existence, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...so i made a draft list... a rev1, if you will of the things I'd like to do, God willing...

initially, to do God's will

go to Yosemite
see mount Rushmore
live in DC
get scuba dive cert
get multi-commercial license
become a rocket racer pilot
experience weightlessness
write a book or collection of poetry/essays
plan a mission control center
become a masterful sitar player
learn basic guitar
cut a CD
raise millions for kids in need
learn to dance
become a good kickboxer
go to harvard
get a PhD
get a motorcycle license
visit every country
learn 5 languages by the time I'm 30 (hindi, french, spanish, ?)
Hike in the Himalayas
love my (future) dog

ultimately, do God's will

hmmm...lots to do, but for now, I gratefully surrender to sleep...

1 comment:

Becca said...

That's disturbingly close to my list. Except the kickboxer thing. I know that's not for me.